
Look at our pics and our videos representing our philosophy. All pics ae out of a game (but not exact so like they are in the games). The most videos are trailers for companies showing our capabilities (our trailer for gamblers are very special and are made with a special aim).

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0Kompass 0Sieben2 0Wuerfel_mehr 0Krone 0Dolch 0Bonbons 0Herz 0Hand

You can optimise the quality (HD) or enlarge the video (X), look at the below on the right of the video – Graphics, animation, and music from CreaTec Mike Tamm & Team.

Personally character animation from Mike Tamm on Vimeo.

3D rooms for more astonishment from Mike Tamm on Vimeo.

Suitable Symbols are important from Mike Tamm on Vimeo.

Kirsche Orange A_Traube Melone 0Muenze Chips 0Karten Stern


2_Glücksspiel und Magie from Mike Tamm on Vimeo.